A-SPEC is a suite of data specifications supporting the delivery of machine-readable data relating to infrastructure assets. A-SPEC provides certainty that the correct data is captured in the correct format – streamlining processes related to the capture, validation and usage of infrastructure information.
In layman’s terms, it is the capture of spatial as-built data and attribute information relating to Council & Authority infrastructure. This data is surveyed on the correct datum, and provided to the Authority concerned in a format that can be read into their Geographical Information System (GIS) database and/or Facilities Management System (FMS).
There are different specifications encapsulated within A-Spec, including, but not limited to:
- R-Spec – Road Reserves (Council maintained roads)
- D-Spec – Drainage Infrastructure (Stormwater)
- O-Spec – Public Reserves (Council managed land)
Submission of this data is usually a Council requirement for final Compliance and is best organised well in advance of completion of any land development project to avoid costly delays.